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A player must choose a single alignment skill tree.

Imperial Forces
Legio Custodes | Solar Auxilia
Legiones Astartes
Imperial FistsThousand Sons | World Eaters


All players have access to every skill.

skill checks

All skill checks are performed as D6 rolls with modifiers. Any performed skill check must be higher than a resisting skill check to be successful.

skill tiles

Skill tiles are determined, when a player is within 3 tiles of it, by rolling D66. The 10's indicate the skill used and the 1's the difficulty of the skill check. At least two matching even rolls cause an encounter with X unknown models (where X is difficulty) Passing a skill check tile rewards a token of that skill on a D6 (5+).

Ranged - 10
Defence - 20
Strength - 30
Vitality - 40
Psychic - 50
Agility - 60


more about tiles