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Game map is a 3x3 grid, with each square comprising 9x9 2" tiles.


Enter map from centre open tile of any outer grid edge.


1. Choose a mission/campaign, declare your loadout, and deploy your model(s) on the map.


2. A reveal roll is used to reveal all tiles in a grid upon first entering it.


3. Tiles are assigned one at a time randomly, with each player placing a tile. Entered tiles must always be an open tile.


4. Two actions per turn to interact with, attack, or move to a target. Can perform the same action twice.

5. Players continue play until a map is fully explored: clearing skill tiles, achieving objectives and earning reward tokens.


These set out objectives that, when completed, grant reward tokens. The completion of all objectives rewards the unique alignment token - used in levelling up the players alignment skill tree.

reveal roll

1. Roll 3D6's, with each determining the number of Obstacle, Impasse and Hole tiles to be placed. They must form as perfect squares as possible.


2. Roll D3 to determine the number of Skill tiles to be placed. They must be at least three squares separated from one another.


Open - no restrictions or cover.

Obstacle - D6 roll to enter (4+). +1 cover within, or between line of sight.

Impasse - Can not enter. No line of sight through.

Hole - Defence, Vitality or Agility check to prevent D3 damage upon entry. D6 roll to exit (4+) on a move. No line of sight out.

Skill - Skill check to clear.


more about skill tiles