Brutal: reduce the Defence skill check of opponent models by 1 when attacking.
Colossal: can only be used by Legiones Astartes. Limits knockback effects to 2 tiles.
Heal: Recover 2 damage.
Knockback: Move models D6 tiles in a chosen direction.
Modular (X): Contributes towards the set bonuses of the specified type.
Sear: Starts a fire than burns models for 1 damage on the following turn.
Two-handed: can not swap weapon if an attack has been made this turn.
Volt: Inflicts 1 damage to adjacent models.
Weapon name (Weapon category)
Range (Tiles) / Damage
X/Y/Z tiles / X/Y/Z damage
Skill Type
Skill 1, Skill 2; Skill 3 (X duty)
Skill Resist
Skill 1, Skill 2; Skill 3 (X duty)
Example bonus: Damage is increased by D3.
Armour name (Armour category)
Set Pieces
Head, Back, Body, Legs, Hands, Feet
X/Y/Z damage
Example bonus (Head): Damage is reduced by D3.