25-28 September 1938
Minor successes in a Provisional Government invasion of Falmouth, Cornwall. Royalist foothold weakened as they failed to repel an amphibious assault. Notable destruction of an old Royalist York I infantry tank by a PF Galahad II infantry tank.
8th Lambeth & Southwark Legion - 1
German Volunteers
0 - Unamed Royalist Regiment
Swedish Volunteers
10 May 1938
Major victory of Royalist forces in a three-way skirmish at Blackingstone Stone, Devon. Destruction of a PF Galahad II infantry tank by a Royalist Tudor II infantry tank. Notable non-intervention of Yorkist forces, who largely stayed out of the firefight.
8th Lambeth & Southwark Legion – 0
2 - Unamed Royalist Regiment – 0
0 - 51st King's Own Yorkist Light Infantry Regiment
13-15 April 1938
Major victory of Yorkist forces in a three-way skirmish in the forests of Slough Copse, Devon. Heavy losses of Royalist and PF units in face of overwhelming YF firepower. Notable mass suicide of PF militias pinned in the eastern engagement.
8th Lambeth & Southwark Legion
Unamed Royalist Regiment
51st King's Own Yorkist Light Infantry Regiment